Our groomers are like superheroes!


Doggie Stylz Pet Grooming owner

Hello! My name is Karrie and dogs have been my life for many years. From showing Australian Shepherds in AKC and ASCA, to working in Search and Rescue. I have over 18 years of experience with grooming various breeds of dogs and cats. I am a graduate groomer of one of the top grooming schools in Lexington Kentucky, Nash Academy, where I hold a certificate of completion. I also hold a diploma for Vet Tech, am an AKC Safety Certified groomer, I hold a certificate in Therapeutic Essentials and Techniques, have a certificate in General Animal Sciences and do volunteer work for various dog rescues. If you would like to schedule an appointment please contact us today.


Doggie Stylz Pet Grooming Owner with dog

Hello! My name is Mary. I have been grooming at Doggie Stylz since 2014. I have been around dogs my whole life and I have four dogs of my own. I love training, being a professional trainer with Pawsablities Unleashed, and have helped others in my community to train their own dogs, through 4 Paws Training Academy. I specialize in big furry dogs such as: German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and more. I also have worked a lot with smaller breeds such as Poodles, Shih Tzus and Pomeranians. If you would like to schedule an appointment please contact us today or call me directly at 270-566-7131.


Doggie Stylz Pet Grooming dog during bath

Hello! My name is Libby!

I have been grooming at DoggieStylz for 2 years now. I became a certified brusher and bather in 2015. In 2016 I began my training as a groomer with ALL breeds and since of June 2017 I have become an AKC Safety Certified Groomer!!!

If you would like to schedule an appointment with ME please feel free to reach out by phone or you can mention me (Libby) in your email appointment request.